In the present day, being tall in stature is considered as a desirable attribute for the reason that tall people enjoy both personal as well as employment advantages. Many people who are not tall wonder what they could do in order to increase their height. It is possible to use stretching exercises to increase your height regardless of how old and out of shape you are. You have many of these types of exercises that work well but in this article we are going to concentrate on five stretching exercises to increase height which will help people get started.
- Two Leg Lift: The fourth exercise which is recommended for extending your spinal column is the two leg lift and this is one of the best stretching exercise which helps to strengthen your back muscles and improves your body posture as well. To do this exercise it is important to lay down flat on your stomach with your hands palms down and to the side. Keep your feet together and lift both legs at the same time gradually until they are as far as they will go. Three sets of ten repetitions, each repetition 3-4 seconds.
- Hanging: Hanging is a simple form of exercise which is great for stretching out your arms, spinal column and legs. Hanging from a rod will help to elongate your spinal column and legs. Keeping your hands on a wider grip can help to enhance your back and shoulder muscles however you could find it tough to do so. It is suggested that minimum 30 minutes of hanging is done each week.
- Try The Super Stretch Exercise: A good all round stretching exercise which extends the spine is the Super Stretch. Lean back a bit while standing up and then reach the arms and hands as far up as possible. The stretching effect must be felt in the lower part of the spine. This super stretch exercise can also be done in the lying down position. Each stretch shouldn't take you more than 5-8 seconds. Do three sets of ten repetitions daily.
- The Wall Stretch Exercise: The next exercise which is recommended for increasing your height is the Wall stretch and this exercise also works by extending your back. Lean against a wall keeping your back straight. Now make an effort to stand on your toes whilst you take your arms up and stretch them as high as possible. Keeping your back straight against the wall could be a bit difficult at the initial stages. Three sets of ten repetitions with each repetition lasting 5-7 seconds.
- The "Downhill Racer" Exercise: Next we are going to talk about the Downhill racer exercise that helps to extend both the spine as well as lower limbs. Keeping your legs shoulder width apart stand straight. Your arms must be kept behind your back. Now bend as far forward as you can go while slowly swinging your arms back to their full extent. This exercise should be done in three sets with every set having ten repetitions that last 5-7 seconds.
These five exercises are good ones to begin with but as you get your spine more stretched out and realize what a benefit these kinds of exercises are you would probably want to try a few of the many other stretching exercises to increase height that are available. One of the best ways to find stretching exercises is to look online because there are numerous websites with content related to this subject. You also have to keep in mind that good nutrition is vital for you to grow taller.
- Two Leg Lift: The fourth exercise which is recommended for extending your spinal column is the two leg lift and this is one of the best stretching exercise which helps to strengthen your back muscles and improves your body posture as well. To do this exercise it is important to lay down flat on your stomach with your hands palms down and to the side. Keep your feet together and lift both legs at the same time gradually until they are as far as they will go. Three sets of ten repetitions, each repetition 3-4 seconds.
- Hanging: Hanging is a simple form of exercise which is great for stretching out your arms, spinal column and legs. Hanging from a rod will help to elongate your spinal column and legs. Keeping your hands on a wider grip can help to enhance your back and shoulder muscles however you could find it tough to do so. It is suggested that minimum 30 minutes of hanging is done each week.
- Try The Super Stretch Exercise: A good all round stretching exercise which extends the spine is the Super Stretch. Lean back a bit while standing up and then reach the arms and hands as far up as possible. The stretching effect must be felt in the lower part of the spine. This super stretch exercise can also be done in the lying down position. Each stretch shouldn't take you more than 5-8 seconds. Do three sets of ten repetitions daily.
- The Wall Stretch Exercise: The next exercise which is recommended for increasing your height is the Wall stretch and this exercise also works by extending your back. Lean against a wall keeping your back straight. Now make an effort to stand on your toes whilst you take your arms up and stretch them as high as possible. Keeping your back straight against the wall could be a bit difficult at the initial stages. Three sets of ten repetitions with each repetition lasting 5-7 seconds.
- The "Downhill Racer" Exercise: Next we are going to talk about the Downhill racer exercise that helps to extend both the spine as well as lower limbs. Keeping your legs shoulder width apart stand straight. Your arms must be kept behind your back. Now bend as far forward as you can go while slowly swinging your arms back to their full extent. This exercise should be done in three sets with every set having ten repetitions that last 5-7 seconds.

These five exercises are good ones to begin with but as you get your spine more stretched out and realize what a benefit these kinds of exercises are you would probably want to try a few of the many other stretching exercises to increase height that are available. One of the best ways to find stretching exercises is to look online because there are numerous websites with content related to this subject. You also have to keep in mind that good nutrition is vital for you to grow taller.
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